
Showing posts from June, 2014

Sons of Krishna

Krishna married 16, 108 wives as requested by them! Out of 16.108 wives of Krishna, every wife had 10 children who had the same nature of Krishna! Thus, Krishna had totally 1,61,080 Children. Let us see the list of the 80 children born through the first 8 wives! (1) The names of the children of Rukmani: Prathyumnan, Charudeshnan, Sudheshnan, Charudehan, Seecharu, Saaraguptha, Bathracharu, Charuchandharin, Visaru & Charu! (2) The names of the children of Sathyabama are: Banu, Subanu, Swarabanu, Prabanu, Banuman, Chandrabanu, Pragathbanu, Athibanu, Sribanu & Prathibanu! (3) The 10 sons through Krishna’s third wife Jambhavathi: Samban, Sumithra, Prujith, Sadhajith, Sagasrajith, Vijayan, Chitrakethu, Vasuman, Dravidan & Kirathu. Krishna had more attachment with the sons through Jambhavathi. (4) The 10 sons through Krishna’s Fourth wife Sathya, who was the daughter of the king of Nagnajith: Veera, Chandra, Ashvasena, Chitragu, Vegavan, Virusha, Aman, Sangu, Vasu...