Visiting Mathura
Visiting Mathura ideal time is between October till February, you can travel easily travel by road, public transport or by railways. While travelling by your own conveyance in Mathura interiors take public transport like, rikshaw, auto etc. avoid travelling by your own conveyance in the city since you might get stuck in heavy traffic & congested roads. Roads may not be in a great condition since it is always advisable to travel by public transport, you may get up a economical hotel or a guest house in the city, but beware of the thugs, do some research, try out traditional food out there like, jalebi, kachori, lassi, thali, and lots of varieties of sweets, apart from pera, since people of mathura are big time foody. You may get lot of options in the market while visiting dwarikadish temple, near holi gate.
Do take care of your belongings since at a religious place it is obvious to have few unwanted elements, & never ever give donations directly to priests, if you want you should only donate in the donation box, but that too if you wish to, no money can buy God, or take away your miseries, Lord Krishna had always said that he is always hungry for love, he ran for his poor friend Sudama bare foot, he can do it for you as well.So never ever get misguided by thugs who may ask you to donate lots of money at times.